Search found 18 matches

by greyshoe
Sun 19.06.2016, 21:25
Forum: News
Topic: Ironman High-Scores
Replies: 4
Views: 34432

Re: Ironman High-Scores

Ironman ladder hasnt been registering deaths for about a month. Any way to get that bakc up and running?

by greyshoe
Thu 02.06.2016, 16:11
Forum: The King Lounge
Topic: *King* Greyshoe IM
Replies: 1
Views: 44982

*King* Greyshoe IM

Ironman - Fresh reset. As you can see, a fair amount of my gear had taken a beating. I just hadnt been able to find reasonable Disenchant resist. Did find Anduril on a level with Tarrasque, so I poked him to death with it. In the end I went into the fight with 32 heals, 3 *heals* and 2 Life pots. Sp...
by greyshoe
Sat 21.05.2016, 22:52
Forum: Wish List / Think tank
Topic: Squelching Artifacts
Replies: 1
Views: 45137

Squelching Artifacts

This currently isnt a large problem on the regular server due to age of the instance and most of the arts being unavailable, but.......... What i think would be nice to impliment is Artifacts that a character has already found and subsequently sold, no longer appearing for them. Its very repeptitve ...
by greyshoe
Sat 13.09.2014, 14:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Main server dead?
Replies: 1
Views: 22824

Main server dead?

You can log on, and eventually controls begin coming back. But with it behaving as oddly as it is Im not keen on logging on a main character.
by greyshoe
Mon 02.06.2014, 22:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: What to be done of non stop harrasment?
Replies: 13
Views: 215615

Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

you around warrior?
by greyshoe
Sat 31.05.2014, 16:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: What to be done of non stop harrasment?
Replies: 13
Views: 215615

What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Warrior tried to address this issue many months ago, for it to be dropped. But Gorom/Bandur are completely unable to. They dont even play on the main server anymore because they didnt want to function within the rules. This sort of tedious nonsense is what i see on a regular basis. I know admin does...
by greyshoe
Mon 17.03.2014, 18:35
Forum: Wish List / Think tank
Topic: House expansion project
Replies: 33
Views: 847182

Re: House expansion project

How about letting a mob of Magma Elementals loose in his houses :)
by greyshoe
Mon 17.03.2014, 13:42
Forum: Wish List / Think tank
Topic: House expansion project
Replies: 33
Views: 847182

Re: House expansion project

Wow, completely missed that. Talk about giving the middle finger to everyone in the town square. Thats blatant!
by greyshoe
Sun 16.03.2014, 15:05
Forum: Wish List / Think tank
Topic: House expansion project
Replies: 33
Views: 847182

Artifact Bug

it appears that in the new houses you can now store artifacts.

Taken at -600
by greyshoe
Thu 30.01.2014, 16:35
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The uber of the uber uber items found in MAngband
Replies: 17
Views: 149705

Re: The uber of the uber uber items found in MAngband

And the very next dive it returned to the abyss.......
by greyshoe
Thu 30.01.2014, 14:58
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The uber of the uber uber items found in MAngband
Replies: 17
Views: 149705

Re: The uber of the uber uber items found in MAngband

This zocd was stacked with money items. Both top books, Disruption of slay demon, worthy armor.... left a number of +15 or more slays behind that were on lesser weapons due to room. But what a Ring!
by greyshoe
Tue 21.01.2014, 14:57
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New characters in peril
Replies: 9
Views: 82394

Re: New characters in peril

Im making one comment on this here and that its. I had already discussed with those that matter the reasons for this. First, When Azriel was first created because I was sick of Orcus Patrol running rampant. Gorom was taking whatever her could when he could from people and Bandur had just promised a ...
by greyshoe
Sat 28.12.2013, 16:36
Forum: Wish List / Think tank
Topic: Artifacts list
Replies: 1
Views: 21247

Re: Artifacts list

Ive had a conversation with one of the Devs on this exact idea. I was told they had discussed this and there were some Devs who felt it was up to a player to decide if they wished to reveal what items they had and not something that should be forced on them. I have also met other players who feel th...
by greyshoe
Tue 19.11.2013, 17:46
Forum: Wish List / Think tank
Topic: Morgoth and The One Ring
Replies: 3
Views: 24292

Re: Morgoth and The One Ring

That may not be a bad idea Avenger. I woudlnt see a terrible amount of danger in doing that. That would give it interesting flavor while adding a possible benefit of another chance at receiving a high art from the Unique kill. ??? Probably would want to institute some way that players now this has b...