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*Winner* arts

Posted: Thu 27.11.2008, 01:50
by schroeder
So when I found my mace of disruption of fury(5d8) (+23,+27)(+2), I realized; this was the weapon turin ALWAYS wanted. I started calling it Turin's wet dream. Its just so freaking pimp, I don't want it to be lost. If/when I kill morgoth, I am going to take it with me to retiration. But I still feel like it should not be lost. I know that this won't be implimented now, but wouldn't it be awesome if player arts were spawned from anyone that beat morgoth? The devs would take the most crazy thing they had, and turn it into an art for others to find. It would have a nice little story like...
It was thought to be but a dream. Turin lusted after this weapon for many years, to no avail. However the, one day, the great hero Schroeder did find it, and with it, he did smash Morgoth's head in.

I heard that a while ago player arts were being tossed around as an idea. I heard that their was the idea of The Cloak of Angus (+8,+8) which was permanently cursed and agrivated.

Re: *Winner* arts

Posted: Fri 28.11.2008, 03:09
by schroeder
I would also really like to see something like The pick of NubNub, that had extra weight, normal die, and like +15 to tunneling. Lol at Nubnub and his mining.

Re: *Winner* arts

Posted: Fri 28.11.2008, 03:47
by Crimson
Were this to be seriously considered, it certainly wouldn't be an automatic thing per winner, nor would it probably be common. Angus was a special case, based purely on his being so superb a player, and the only one who's ever won with *every* class. That type of legendary play is probably noteworthy enough to gain an art named for you, but that's an exceptional case, not a rule.

Re: *Winner* arts

Posted: Fri 28.11.2008, 04:38
by schroeder
Wow...He won with every class...?

I now have a new, very high minded goal: to win once each server. Each time with a different class. Ranger is gonna be *tough*... Especially since earthquake will mess up the firing macros. How the frick did he do that?

Re: *Winner* arts

Posted: Fri 28.11.2008, 12:09
by PowerWyrm
Melee of course...
BTW ranger is probably the easiest class to win with now, since they have the rune spell. Lay down a sea of runes, shoot morgoth until he comes close, finish him off in melee.

Re: *Winner* arts

Posted: Fri 28.11.2008, 13:13
by schroeder
but couldn't you end up being surrounded if he summons when he is most of the way to you? Also, do rangers also have rift? Cus that would make it an even easier fight...

Re: *Winner* arts

Posted: Sat 29.11.2008, 16:48
by PowerWyrm
No rift... but once morgoth is in melee range you won't care much about summons. The room for summons is small considering you're surrounded with runes, and once morgoth quakes he kills his own summons :)

Re: *Winner* arts

Posted: Sat 29.11.2008, 21:14
by schroeder
how would you set everything up though, since morgoth isn't gonna wait for you to get everything ready, and I'm not sure how you would summon him far away from you

Re: *Winner* arts

Posted: Mon 01.12.2008, 12:57
by PowerWyrm
Teleport other...
Once you see morgoth coming, just teleport him away until you're ready.

Re: *Winner* arts

Posted: Fri 19.12.2008, 06:25
by Kom
This reminds me of when i talked about the idea of death buffs. When you die, one or maybe more of the items you're wearing gets some of your 'life force' added to it, increasing it's power by a certain amount, probably based on a level... when it's inscription is changed to something with your character's name on it and all that. I suppose the bonus would be better for brave characters. With this, parties could end up with slightly better gear to compensate with the death of a party member, or when someone goes out and gets slaughtered in the wilderness, it gives an extra incentive to have someone go and discover it.

This is a very quick and hastily typed out thought that would probably need a lot of work.

Re: *Winner* arts

Posted: Mon 16.02.2009, 21:13
by C. Blue
If you want to preserve an item like a trophy, for everyone to be able to have a look at it, I would suggest adding an extra "store" which doesn't buy or sell anything, but instead accepts items as donations!

In Tomenet, we have such a "museum" in the main town of Bree, where you can just deposit an item, never again remove it (unless you're admin of course), and won't get anything for it in return. So it's used to store curiosities for others to look at :) Works pretty well.

Re: *Winner* arts

Posted: Wed 15.04.2009, 10:54
by Agor
/supports this thread

Hmm not sure how it works, but when you win Morgoroth, don't you have some time to play still?

You could just inscribe it {Agor's Good Old Puddingbane} and randomly teleport a few times in the wastelands/wilderness and drop it somewhere lol.