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Nice things from Moria

Posted: Fri 27.12.2013, 10:27
by Warrior
Just a reminder to myself.

I know we've got the tombstone from Moria.

But perhaps we should use this as well?

Code: Select all

Ripe Old Age

/* Change the player into a King!			-RAK-	 */
  register struct misc *p_ptr;

  /* Change the character attributes...		 */
  dun_level = 0;
  /* need dot on the end to be consistent with creature.c */
  (void) strcpy(died_from, "Ripe Old Age.");
  p_ptr = &py.misc;
  p_ptr->lev += MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL;
  if (p_ptr->sex[0] == 'M')
      (void) strcpy(p_ptr->title, "Magnificent");
      (void) strcpy(p_ptr->tclass, "*King*");
      (void) strcpy(p_ptr->title, "Beautiful");
      (void) strcpy(p_ptr->tclass, "*Queen*");
  p_ptr->au += 250000;
  p_ptr->max_exp += 5000000;
  p_ptr->exp = p_ptr->max_exp;

  /* Let the player know that he did good...	 */

  clear_screen(0, 0);
  dprint("                                  #", 1);
  dprint("                                #####", 2);
  dprint("                                  #", 3);
  dprint("                            ,,,  $$$  ,,,", 4);
  dprint("                        ,,==$   \"$$$$$\"   $==,,", 5);
  dprint("                      ,$$        $$$        $$,", 6);
  dprint("                      *>         <*>         <*", 7);
  dprint("                      $$         $$$         $$", 8);
  dprint("                      \"$$        $$$        $$\"", 9);
  dprint("                       \"$$       $$$       $$\"", 10);
  dprint("                        *#########*#########*", 11);
  dprint("                        *#########*#########*", 12);
  dprint("                          Veni, Vidi, Vici!", 15);
  dprint("                     I came, I saw, I conquered!", 16);
  if (p_ptr->sex[0] == 'M')
    dprint("                      All Hail the Mighty King!", 17);
    dprint("                      All Hail the Mighty Queen!", 17);

Re: Nice things from Moria

Posted: Fri 27.12.2013, 10:29
by Warrior
And when you're no longer blinded:

msg_print("The veil of darkness lifts.");

Re: Nice things from Moria

Posted: Fri 27.12.2013, 10:31
by Warrior
And when trying to L while blinded:

msg_print("You can't see your map.");

Re: Nice things from Moria

Posted: Fri 27.12.2013, 10:37
by Warrior
perror("Gack! Can't set permissions correctly! Exiting!\n");


Re: Nice things from Moria

Posted: Sat 28.12.2013, 18:02
by PowerWyrm
I prefer the sunny and warm climate myself ;)