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Restart Artefacts, or Reset Artefacts or Restart.

Posted: Tue 14.01.2003, 09:21
by Fink
All "unique" monster reset from time to time...Meaning everyone can kill all monsters. Nice.

But everyone can not own Cubragol- or the other "GREAT" artifacts. There found and kept safe and sometimes rarely used.

I see five solutions for this.

1. Restart Artefacts -  Like unique monsters, One by one... In the order there "not used/ (worn on dungeon level)"
Some character has not been playing for 3 months, or 6. Should he be able to own 3 artifacts. I think not.
All artefacts will be in play ! Thats good ! Can thereby be lost too.

2. Restart all Artefacts, every 3 month or 6, whatever...
If you set a Date- everyone can sell them before and get some compensation.

3. Restart Game every now and then....every 3 month or 6.. I played Utopia, thats what they do 3 month.
I mean its the Gaining of levels thats fun.

4. Make semi Artifacts... Kolla and other nice stuff is a step in this direction, Make them and almost able to replace Artefacts. If you start now Its all you have to hope for.
But maybe Create "Production Prototypes" like
"Semi Sting" with + almost as good as Sting, and Some of the Resists and slays etc.
But "Semi One Ring" sounds bad as well.

5. Take away all artefacts. Everyone plays on equal terms. Invent a few more Armours, Rings, Etc

Re: Restart Artefacts, or Reset Artefacts or Resta

Posted: Wed 22.01.2003, 18:59
by Berendol
I think we should add a bunch of new base items and ego-items to compensate for the lack of artifacts. Of course, the powerful ones would have to be pretty rare, just to keep from making the game easier! Yep, more item types, I'd like to see 'em. Or even make them.

Re: Restart Artefacts, or Reset Artefacts or Resta

Posted: Mon 27.01.2003, 12:50
by Crimson
mangband is by nature a competative game.

As stands, the items in the game are more than sufficient to get a win, if you get the right sorts, and types of items.  You do not need an artifact to do this.

I envision no sudden alterations in either the number or types of excellents being added (changes inherent in angband 3.x aside), nor do I see an substantive changes in the artifact code comming.  

Re: Restart Artefacts, or Reset Artefacts or Resta

Posted: Tue 11.02.2003, 22:28
by Rali
I'm a big fan of Random Artifacts such as those in TOMEnet (which I think were borrowed from DrAngband or something like that). Basically, an item is generated with special randomized powers and a name, and given 'artifact' status. I think "randarts" would be a great contribution to the game in light of all the unavailable artifacts.

Re: Restart Artefacts, or Reset Artefacts or Resta

Posted: Wed 12.02.2003, 12:20
by Crimson
There won't be random artifacts, that I can see.  These cheaper, half-powered items typically just irritate most players.

There are plans to allow players to create their own artifacts (horribly taxing for the players, obviously), which accomplishes pretty much the same thing.

Under this system (This is the first outline of it here, I think) you would...

a) visit the Smythes shop, and menu select the types of abillities you want to "purchase". eg, extra resists, speed, slays... Activation powers...  Some abillity additions can help defray the price of that artifact ( -to hit values,  - to stealth,  perhaps aggrivate, things of this nature).

b) Select method of payment, and the financing options you want.  Financing is done via future wealth, and experience, and all artifacts will require at least some financing.  

c) pay at least a 10% fee for the total price of the artifact (in both exp and wealth).  The artifact is now initially embued after a few game turns..  However, what you get is only n% of what you wanted.

d) You play the artifact.  As you accumulate wealth, and experience,  the financing fees are subtracted automatically.  As you grow, so does your dream artifact.

e)  successfully complete the artifact, which then becomes permanent.   It must be weilded by the creator to grow.

Should you lose the artifact (which isn't "permanent yet, so it's subject to being destroyed in its weakened state), it's gone, as are any fees you'd paid to date.  

Should your ghost die, the artifact can no longer be further improved.  If the artifact was not finished, it's not permanent yet, either.

Should you sell the artifact, it retains its current powers, but the new user can not further empower it.  It also is not a permanent item yet.  So, for instance, it would roll out of stores and dissapear forever.

The advantages of this system are far greater than those afforded by random artifacts.  The penalties are also greater.

Re: Restart Artefacts, or Reset Artefacts or Resta

Posted: Thu 20.02.2003, 07:20
by Fink
I love this Idea !

Maybe we can all make a Cubragol  ::)

Your short bow of Marv is now level 7.
Your short bow of Marv is now level 8.
Your short bow of Marv is now level 9.

Well it need to be balanced, so it feels right both if you get the artefact at level 1 or at level 50.

Re: Restart Artefacts, or Reset Artefacts or Resta

Posted: Sun 11.07.2004, 18:23
by Fink
Whoa, I need to dig through the wishlist section more often. Crimson's idea for custom made eq is awesome.

This makes me think of the idea of having to "harvest" things off of equipment for use in the crafted item. At it's simples, if you want X bonus on the item, you need to go out and find a number of items with that bonus. The idea here being that the smith needs to harvest these bonuses from the items you bring him so that he can add the bonus in. This would keep the process interactive at all stages, as the weapon or item gets made.

Re: Restart Artefacts, or Reset Artefacts or Resta

Posted: Thu 09.02.2006, 02:38
by Murdin
Whoa, bit of post necromancy here, but was this dropped? This would be great and would definately help with the limited pool of artifacts we currently have.