Monster recall

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Squint-Eyed Rogue
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Monster recall

Post by golem13 » Tue 23.10.2007, 13:36

I remember the (good old) days playing Angband...
When you have fought a monster, you can recall his abilities and other information. Does this still exist in Mangband ? If yes, how to display this ?

Ancient MultiHued Dragon
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Re: Monster recall

Post by Fink » Tue 23.10.2007, 21:52

This isnt currently implemented in mangband, but I have a vague recollection of someone peeking at the idea.

However, in this day and age, I have to admit that I just don't know if its all that necessary. Playing mangband generally means you have an interenet connection, and using a website to check monster info is a heckuva lot easier and more powerful than relying on an arcane term window.

If it came down to where I would hope our deeply valued developers spend there time, I suspect that perhaps this particular feature just wouldnt be on the list: the web and other existing tools already can do a far far better job of it.

King Lich
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Re: Monster recall

Post by Jug » Thu 25.10.2007, 03:48

I miss the the in game recall too.

The recall system in Angband tells you things like how many times you've killed that creature.  It also gives you reliable information, unlike the Internet. :)  Looking things up on the net doesn't take into account any (server specific) changes that have been made to the server you're playing on.

And of course you can't get distracted looking at porn with the recall window. :)

- Jug

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Re: Monster recall

Post by Big_Juan_Teh_Furby » Thu 25.10.2007, 07:06

Mmmm...ASCII porn FTW!

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Evil Iggy
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Re: Monster recall

Post by Warrior » Thu 25.10.2007, 08:20

Actually, an in game recall would be useful if it was possible to bring it up at any point in a term window.

Hitting "?" could bring up a menu:

"You recall..."

(1) Monsters
(2) Items

Then it could prompt you for:

"What do you remember?"

And you could either type the letter of the monster or the name of the monster.

"o" followed by "Enter" could show a list of all the o's you've encountered.
Then you could hit "a" for "a snaga" and see what you know about the snaga.

"Defender" followed by "Enter" would show the properties of a Defender weapon IF you have *identified* any of them in the past.
With a note that the weapon may have random features.

-- Mangband Project Team Member

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