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Line of Sight.. Tactical advantage.

Posted: Mon 29.09.2008, 23:32
by serina
Hello everyone. Twice this week, I've been asked questions about line of sight. It's not easy to explain in game, so I figured I'd try it with a post here.

Imagine the following scenario overall.


Small scale version in all explanations:

This is a bad plan, because the Z can see you and breathe on you without you being able to do anything to the Z other than hope it moves instead of breathing.

This is a good plan, because as the Z moves closer, you can see it first and get a shot off with a spell/bow before the Z enters melee.

In this setup, the s is a "Druj" (they don't move). Move 2 steps South and kill it with bow/spells. You can see it, but it can't see you.

In this setup, the s is a "Druj". Move 1 step South and kill it with bow/spells. You can see it, but it can't see you.

In this setup, the s is a "Druj". Tunnel into the West/South until you get setup above where you can see it, but it can't see you.
Sort of looks like this:

The line of sight expands out further like this:




In all of these cases above, you can see the s, and the s can't see you. Make sure the roles never get reversed, in which case you're on the short end of the bargain.

If you're in doubt when you get line of sight, do the following scenario:
move 1 step East, try hitting the s with ranged attack. Repeat until you hit the s. Then kill it ;)

I hope this helps some of you conquer Morgoth's minions and eventually Morgoth himself ;)


Re: Line of Sight.. Tactical advantage.

Posted: Tue 30.09.2008, 11:11
by PowerWyrm
Of course this doesn't apply to stuff that digs... and Morgoth is one of them :)

Re: Line of Sight.. Tactical advantage.

Posted: Tue 30.09.2008, 18:08
by serina
Well line of sight works with Morgoth as well.


not for more than 1 move, hehe.