Roguelike keys
Roguelike keys
This thread is for discussions about the roguelike keyset, what works, what doesn't, any feedback on this is appreciated!
-- Mangband Project Team Member
Re: Roguelike keys
The biggest problem with roguelikes IMHO is that you need still to inscribe your macros using the standard commands, e.g. @u1 unstead of @Z1 for staffs, which is very counterintuitive. Other misc commands are still available through '\', though this isn't at all obvious to a new player.
Re: Roguelike keys
Yes, this sort of touches on the whole concept of auto-inscribe and maybe also auto-macro and as such is a matter for the 1.2.0 milestone, but it should probably be considered if there's any way to make the problem smaller, at least temporarily until work with that version is done, which may still be far from now.
-- Mangband Project Team Member
Re: Roguelike keys
Missing commands:
J - stealing
h - housing
Ctrl+D - describe item
P - party
Anything else?
J - stealing
h - housing
Ctrl+D - describe item
P - party
Anything else?
Re: Roguelike keys
I've been using roguelike commands ever since I started playing seriously and have had no major problems. The missing keys that immediately stand out are:
# - Score list
h - housing
Ctrl+d - describe item
and I just use \ to access them so it's not a big deal (as long as people know about \).
If I remember correctly, stealing was on S and party is O.
# - Score list
h - housing
Ctrl+d - describe item
and I just use \ to access them so it's not a big deal (as long as people know about \).
If I remember correctly, stealing was on S and party is O.
Re: Roguelike keys
O = PartyAshi wrote:If I remember correctly, stealing was on S and party is O.
S = Spikes
No stealing I think.
Re: Roguelike keys
I think stealing was replaced with spikes because you could only steal from players, and so it was only ever used for griefing.
Re: Roguelike keys
But there is a stealing key on the normal mapping ;s
Re: Roguelike keys
Stealing won't work with the current server settings. It only works when PVP is set at least to normal.
Re: Roguelike keys
I have implemented in trunk the following roguelike commands:
Describing an item in the chat window (CTRL-I)
Buying or selling houses (M)
Ghost powers (CTRL-G)
View top scores list (CTRL-S)
The can easily be implemented on any players system by adding the following code to pref.pref, after the entry for Repeat last command and before the (unimplemented) entry for loading message colors
Describing an item in the chat window (CTRL-I)
Buying or selling houses (M)
Ghost powers (CTRL-G)
View top scores list (CTRL-S)
The can easily be implemented on any players system by adding the following code to pref.pref, after the entry for Repeat last command and before the (unimplemented) entry for loading message colors
Code: Select all
# Roguelike keymap: Describe an item in the chat window
# Roguelike keymap: Buy or sell a house (Mortgage)
# Roguelike keymap: Use undead (Ghost) powers
# Roguelike keymap: View top player Scores list
# A:#
# C:1:^S
Mangband Project Team Member
Re: Roguelike keys
These new keys should probably be put into the documentation when you press ? in game. I believe alot of the other rogue-keys are there too, or whereever they're hiding, typing them in would be a good idea I think :)
Re: Roguelike keys
I started some mapping of the roguelike keys today, it's not nearly complete, but any additional info/corrections appriciated.
Located at
Located at
I am Thorbear...
Re: Roguelike keys
You can still use ghost powers with roguelike keys. I think the key is P, which replaces peruse/browse when you are a ghost (and you won't be needing books as a ghost, in theory.)
I usually put macros on ctrl-i and ctrl-s, will this cause any conflict if later clients include these keymaps?
I usually put macros on ctrl-i and ctrl-s, will this cause any conflict if later clients include these keymaps?
Re: Roguelike keys
Only if you choose the roguelike key set, and then your macros will override the normal action of those keys (Describe Item and High Scores). If you wish to use the describe or high score function while still using your CTRL-I & S macros, you'll need to escape the CTRL-D and # commands using the \ backslash as described above.Ashi wrote:I usually put macros on ctrl-i and ctrl-s, will this cause any conflict if later clients include these keymaps?
Mangband Project Team Member