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MAngband ladder

Posted: Mon 14.04.2008, 10:45
by PowerWyrm
The ladder currently records every death of characters, which means sometimes over 10 entries for the same char if he resurrects continuously. It would be great to record only the final death...

Re: MAngband ladder

Posted: Mon 14.04.2008, 13:16
by Jug
This is intentional and was a design decision. Someone may die once at level 20, resurrect and then die again later at level 50. Both deaths tell a very different story, the character has very different equipment and stats.

Me and Warrior just love reading deaths! The more the better :-)

We'll be adding various filtering to the ladder in the near future, so you won't have quite so many dump to deal with... split by level groups, class, etc.

Re: MAngband ladder

Posted: Thu 17.04.2008, 14:53
by Jug
Also probably worth noting that a lot of deaths with the same character name aren't because they are resurrecting a lot. Zal* for instance is playing no ghost brave characters.