What to be done of non stop harrasment?

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Seedy Looking Human
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What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by greyshoe » Sat 31.05.2014, 16:48

Warrior tried to address this issue many months ago, for it to be dropped. But Gorom/Bandur are completely unable to. They dont even play on the main server anymore because they didnt want to function within the rules. This sort of tedious nonsense is what i see on a regular basis. I know admin doesnt like killing/banning accounts, but at what point is enough, enough. At the least, this should be ample reason to create the ability to squelch players...


Edit: Yet more revisionist storys about the problem from one of the cuplrits. Im aware the Devs know the real history and have witnessed the issues. Requesting that something be done so that those of us that do use the server in good faith can continue to do so. Although I am not a fan of Pk'ing, Im confidant this nonsense would have ended by now had this occured back in the dark ages. Some people only seem to respect reprisals........without such, they feel they are entitled to act the fool.
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Last edited by greyshoe on Sat 31.05.2014, 18:56, edited 1 time in total.

Clear Yeek
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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by Bandur » Sat 31.05.2014, 18:32

Alright, first of all, "harasssment" is mainly just from Gorom. But remember that YOU did start this whole mess, and YOU didn't stop when we asked you to. You could have settled this whole thing peacefully back in January, and that being said I have absolutely no symathy for you. Again with the rules thing- we've been through this many times. WE didn't know they existed, I still don't like them, so we play on another server. Fine. I don't even use the official servers except for the occasional thorbot. As far as characters go, I dont very much care if my character were to be deleted. I don't feel like I have been harassing anyone, at least not nearly as bad as you harassed us back in January. As for Gorom, that might be a completely different story. And as far as "enough is enogh" goes, as I recall thats what I said back in the other discontinued forum and you just kept going. I thought this whole thing was done and over with. Seriously people, get a life.

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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by Gorom » Sat 31.05.2014, 19:26

I'm sorry. But in truth we all need something in our lives to brighten our day. I personally enjoy the new death dumps. You just seem to have a special ability to die in the strangest way possible. Like how how do you die to Morgoth that easily? I have never seen you when your fingers are slow and can't hit the destruct macro in the middle of an empty zone of concentrated death. But anyway... I hope later on in the future you will get to know your true self and realize that there is a cute little bunny just waiting to burst of your stomach in alien. Take a few moments to reflect on the past. Ask yourself a few questions like, "Why do these kids bother me?", "Why is it that i am an adult and can't speak my mind?", and "Should I really be mad at them. After all it was all my fault this goes on." Listen to this... It may enlighten you.
Last edited by Gorom on Sat 31.05.2014, 21:39, edited 1 time in total.

Clear Yeek
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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by Bandur » Sat 31.05.2014, 20:41

They dont even play on the main server anymore because they didnt want to function within the rules.
Thats our choice, and there is nothing wrong with playing on a differnt server. We simply don't agree with the official rules, so we don't play on the offical servers. Thats not a bad thing.
I know admin doesnt like killing/banning accounts, but at what point is enough, enough
I don't play your server anymore, and subsequently don't care much about my character. If admin wants to delete me, they can go ahead.
Yet more revisionist storys about the problem from one of the cuplrits. Im aware the Devs know the real history and have witnessed the issues.
The rule thing was adressed by the admin back in January. That issue is dead. In the previous forum I already discussed your other claims but I will do it again.
1)"Gorom was taking whatever her could when he could from people"
We didn't know the ruled existed and after Warrior adressed them, we stopped sharing stuff.
2)"Bandur had just promised a DSM to a player for a rescue and after that rescue tried to skip and not give what he agreed"
Contary to popular belief, I have a life. Haradaur recieved he promised LR cloak later that week
3)"about a week ago I was trying to buy an item from Josiah when Gorom comes flying in, takes the money and logs off."
He claims it was an accident, Its your choice whether or not you want to believe him. This is the only real offense you can blame your rampage on.

The point is, back in January you claimed that the whole Orcus Patrol was atfault, when your issue was with Gorom. To me it seems that the same thing is happening again.
Admin knows what we did as far as the rules went, and Admin dealt with it.
Requesting that something be done so that those of us that do use the server in good faith can continue to do so.
I don't use your server, and I don't prevent anyone form using any server.
Although I am not a fan of Pk'ing, Im confidant this nonsense would have ended by now had this occured back in the dark ages.
You apparently forget that this was my solution all along. You declined. You chose to beat up his mighty level 7 instead.
From the old forum:
better yet just declare hostility and fight it out the old fashioned way rather than beating up his new characters.
Some people only seem to respect reprisals........without such, they feel they are entitled to act the fool.
Once again, after I knew about the rules I can say in all honesty that I never purposefully broke them again.

Just like before, your issue is with Gorom. STOP BRINGING ME INTO IT.
This doesn't need to keep getting brought up. I realize Gorom is being immature. Not my problem.

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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by Gorom » Sun 01.06.2014, 18:18

greyshoe wrote:They dont even play on the main server anymore because they didnt want to function within the rules.
Actually, we switched servers because we felt like it. To put it into my own words. "We wanted to live a happy life. Setting goals with an empty server and explore on our own terms." . Thank you for listening to me. And I realize that server A is very bland and unpopular after we left. But I see no reason to complain. Just add thorbot onto every server. Cool beans ma hommes!
Last edited by Gorom on Mon 02.06.2014, 23:08, edited 1 time in total.

Seedy Looking Human
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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by greyshoe » Mon 02.06.2014, 15:59


Skeleton Hobgoblin
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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by Gorom » Mon 02.06.2014, 18:43

Well said good sir. Well said indeed. (also that should be "..." not".." ;o)

Seedy Looking Human
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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by greyshoe » Mon 02.06.2014, 22:26

you around warrior?

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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by Gorom » Mon 02.06.2014, 23:06

Awwww... How cute! The big bad adult can't handle his own problems. Funny thing is that a 15 year old can be more persuasive than this guy. I mean really. He claims to have a kid and doesn't know how do deal with them. I will hold my ground. If you would just move along with your life I'm sure you will be able to live in peace for a bit longer. Until that happens...


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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by PowerWyrm » Tue 03.06.2014, 10:58

greyshoe wrote:Warrior tried to address this issue many months ago, for it to be dropped. But Gorom/Bandur are completely unable to. They dont even play on the main server anymore because they didnt want to function within the rules. This sort of tedious nonsense is what i see on a regular basis. I know admin doesnt like killing/banning accounts, but at what point is enough, enough. At the least, this should be ample reason to create the ability to squelch players...


Edit: Yet more revisionist storys about the problem from one of the cuplrits. Im aware the Devs know the real history and have witnessed the issues. Requesting that something be done so that those of us that do use the server in good faith can continue to do so. Although I am not a fan of Pk'ing, Im confidant this nonsense would have ended by now had this occured back in the dark ages. Some people only seem to respect reprisals........without such, they feel they are entitled to act the fool.

Can't you simply use a private channel for your chat? Invite people who plays with you and ignore others. Simple as that, goodbye harassment.

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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by Gorom » Tue 03.06.2014, 18:25

Exactly zaxx!!!! We tried to tell him that. If he doesn't know how to switch chats he could play iron man. he plays brave anyway. Or even better!!! PLAY NORMAL ANGBAND!!! not people all arts open all the fun! and no random sudden deaths! I agree with you Zaxx. Let him get over it and leave us alone. I don't get why this guy is being stupid about this. He complains about us even though we play on a different server. Also there is nothing you can to about it anyway. I see no way to end greyshoe so maybe he can just go and stop worrying about things that are you young and hip for him to deal with like teenagers and fun. You get it guys? Less rage more fun... oh ewait... HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT FUN IS!!! BOOM!

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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by PowerWyrm » Wed 04.06.2014, 10:40

Gorom wrote:Just add thorbot onto every server.
You know that you can use Thorbot from IRC, right? You don't need to connect to the main server each time you want to consult artifact or monster info...

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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by Gorom » Wed 04.06.2014, 18:08

I try to get it to work but i cant do it. IRC doesnt like me

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Re: What to be done of non stop harrasment?

Post by Warrior » Fri 06.06.2014, 21:00

History repeats itself, we've had Goroms before and we've had people aggravated by Goroms. Nothing new there.

While I understand how Greyshoes way of responding to Gorom certainly does not help the situation, this still, in my opinion, is caused by Gorom being mean and/or childish. I like the both of you but something has to be done.

Anyway. This is a game and if players can't or won't play nice, they should go do something else. To help Gorom do something else I'll suggest that he does not enter any of the mangband.org servers. Because if he does, he'll be banned.

So, Gorom: Play on whatever servers you like, just don't enter mangband.org. And you may also want to take a moment to think about things. Because really, behaving like this just makes you look silly. And thats plain for all to see.

Further information: http://mangband.org/forum/viewtopic.php ... 9647#p9647
-- Mangband Project Team Member
