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Good party names I've seen

Posted: Mon 25.11.2002, 05:03
by Berendol
Ah, where to start. I've seen and heard of a few good ones in the past few months. Feel free to post the stories that go along with these, or name some parties you remember.

* Fighting Morgoth!
* Fighting Morgoth Killers (they became extinct ;D)
* Powerful Dark Slime Molds
* Mages of Disruption


Re: Good party names I've seen

Posted: Mon 25.11.2002, 15:40
by Bobert
My favourite party name is "Dungeon Rats" mainly because I made it up.  ;)

Froof comes up with interesting ones in (I think) Spanish, though I can't be bothered to look them up.  ("Queso Mojado" is the only one I remember).

I think Party "X" should get an honorable mention, for being the easist and quickest to type when sending a message to your own party members only.  Speed can be a virtue in such matters:

[Bobert:Berendol]:Watch out for the Tarrasque!

Much quicker typing simply "X".

Re: Good party names I've seen

Posted: Mon 25.11.2002, 16:49
by Maegdae
As for party names,
I know Fighting Morgoth! Was created by Warrior The Fool.  It was the main party when I started playing Mangband.  Brave Citizens for Justice was another party that didn't survive long... all its members went extinct rather rapidly.

In the case of shortened party names,
You can type :ber and such to save time.  In that case,

Bobert:Ber:Watch out for the Tarresque!
Berendol:Bob:What Tarresque? I don't see any TarraaaAAAAAAAAAARGH  *Splat*

As you can see, the abbreviations convey information quicker, and allow faster communication.  (Not that its as fast as the Tarresque...)

Re: Good party names I've seen

Posted: Mon 25.11.2002, 17:46
by Froof
Yah, I use Spanish for my party names usually.  Not exactly sure why, but I do :-).  I need to come up with some new ones though, since I've been using Queso Mojado for months.  I've been using El Mono Borracho (the Drunken Monkey) lately, but it just doesn't feel right.  Any suggestions?

Re: Good party names I've seen

Posted: Tue 26.11.2002, 03:03
by Volrak
Well, my party name just refers to another game (a MUD in fact) that those in our party have played.

I've made a macro for using the party line.. Pressing the key for it sends "\e:astaria:", thus avoiding any wayward keystrokes caused by typing it in if the first colon didn't kick in ("t" followed by "a" was often annoying, especially if it went unnoticed).

Re: Good party names I've seen

Posted: Tue 26.11.2002, 13:23
by Bobert
A macro! *slaps forhead*  Why didn't I think of that?

Don't answer that.  It was a rhetorical question.

Froof: how about "Los Huevos Revueltos" or "El Pan Tostado" (I'm in beginner's Spanish  ;D ).

Re: Good party names I've seen

Posted: Tue 26.11.2002, 22:12
by Ashi
Maybe "Donde esta la cerveza?"

I've also seen....

Fighting Maggot!
Mordenkainen's Escapees
Raal's Team of Destruction
Beer Drinkers Anonymous
The Sinister Icy Black Hand Of Death
Weirdos From Another Planet
Poo Heads
Will Dive For Beer
Brave Citizens vs. Angus
Nice People Against Rammstein
Will Dive For Ale, Seriously

Re: Good party names I've seen

Posted: Sun 10.05.2009, 15:21
by Warrior
RNG Wraiths

Re: Good party names I've seen

Posted: Sun 10.05.2009, 15:48
by serina
Reviving a thread from 2002 :) Wow Warrior. You ascend to new heights :)

For Ironman:

No up, just down
The depth below...


Re: Good party names I've seen

Posted: Sun 10.05.2009, 15:53
by schroeder
Three parties which were, at one time, the absolute main party for everyone.
In CCW we trust
Heroes Inc.
and Never Gonna Give You Up

My personal favorite of those was Never Gonna Give You up. Headed by Ascii. At one point in time, I made my own party in his stead since he hadn't signed in for a while:
For Rick Ascii

The party didn't last long though. I deleted it once I could join Never Gonna Give You Up.

Re: Good party names I've seen

Posted: Mon 11.05.2009, 12:31
by Warrior
serina wrote:Reviving a thread from 2002 :) Wow Warrior. You ascend to new heights :)
Yes, I had to. RNG Wraiths!

Actually I thought there was a more recent thread for this, but I guess not, couldn't find it anway :)
I also thought "In CCW we trust" was quite good :)