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Evil Iggy
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Post by Warrior » Fri 17.03.2006, 08:19

The last couple of nights I've been dreaming of violent deaths. Not for myself but for my alter ego in mangband, Zaphod.

The nightmare I had last night was especially disturbing.
I recalled up from the dungeon after a great dive where I found Deathwreaker.

I then moved into the wilderness to my house and suddenly there were chaos, aether and time hounds everywhere! I kept teleporting around in panic and no matter where I landed there was a huge pack of hounds ready to make their best attempt at killing me.

I was a 2 or below almost all the time, quaffing heals but eventually I ran out of them. So, I managed to run back to town but town was also swarming with hounds! So.. I either died or woke up, I can't really recall.

Effects of too much MAngband?
You bet.
-- Mangband Project Team Member

Giant Spotted Rat
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Re: Nightmares

Post by Narchan » Fri 17.03.2006, 17:19

Haha.  I love dreaming in ASCII  :)

Yeah, I've dreamt about Mangband before too.  However, usually mine were nightmares over my own foolishes.  I would do stuff like see something cool in the bm, sell all my equipment to buy it, but then it would be gone, I wouldn't have enough cash to buy back my eq, and I would be left with nothing.

uh oh

Crimson Mold
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Re: Nightmares

Post by Murdin » Thu 28.09.2006, 12:35

Heh, I've only ever dreamed of MAngband once. I cracked open an orc pit with my previous warrior version of Murdin and they just wouldn't stop coming. Orc after orc after orc in all different hues kept pouring out of the bloody thing. I was handling things nicely, but eventually they started wearing away at my hitpoints for some reason. My potions started to run low so I attempted to recall, only to discover that for some reason neither scrolls nor rod would work. All options exhausted I fled for the stairs, but of course, the stairs were gone. The level began to fill with orcs, I was ultimately surrounded in a sea of them, and just as I was about to die I woke up.

Dreaming in ASCII is weird.
...@+;...# Sigh.

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