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pkers in town

Posted: Fri 27.05.2005, 22:46
by raamo
hey iv been playing mangband for about a week and i was doing good with my lvl 27 char JB and then i was pked by a guy named justice a lvl 50 dude so i started a new char he swiched to a lvl 31 char named bigjuan and pked about the 8 new chars i made so i got mad and logged off so i log in the next day and i find out he pk's 4 of my friends in town so can u plz do something about this plz

Re: pkers in town

Posted: Fri 27.05.2005, 23:51
by Maegdae
I think your post would be more appreciated if you took additional thought when composing your post to make it easier to read.  

For example:  "Hi.  I'd been playing Mangband for about a week when my level 27 character JB was killed by a level 50 character named Justice.   I started eight new characters, but he killed each one.  When I logged on the next day, I found he had killed four of my friends in town.  Can you do something about this, please?"

Re: pkers in town

Posted: Fri 27.05.2005, 23:55
by raamo
ok instead of reading my first post read the second post

Re: pkers in town

Posted: Mon 30.05.2005, 15:03
by Domino
What Raamo fails to mention is that prior to his characters being pked, he had been repeatedly polymorphing and pking other players in town with several of his characters.

Also only JB and Kewlkiller were killed in town.  All others were either in the dungeon or outside the primary town screen.

Finaly Justice is not Bigjuan

Check the logs, it's all there..

Re: pkers in town

Posted: Tue 31.05.2005, 00:09
by raamo
ya i polymorphed the guy but i didnt take his stuff and i said sorry l8er on but that doesnt explain y he killed 4 other people

Re: pkers in town

Posted: Sun 03.09.2006, 14:42
by Fink
Ha! BigJuan is nothing but a P**SY. I remember when that Kull pked his a*s.

Re: pkers in town

Posted: Tue 05.09.2006, 11:25
by Avenger
Bigjuan is a veteran player of this game, and has been very involved in its community in the past, and while this involvement has not always been in a positive way, much of it has been. He has also contributed to its development and has otherwise been a valuable player and member of this community.

Kull, Donovan, Baal, Lordruin, etcetera, cannot make these claims, so I suggest they avoid further posts on these forums, specifically arrogant and pointless ones such as this.

Re: pkers in town

Posted: Tue 05.09.2006, 20:49
by Berendol
Watch it, LordRuin. Hold your tongue if you like using the forums. I don't like n00bs coming on here flaming everyone.

Re: pkers in town

Posted: Sat 09.09.2006, 00:53
by Big_Juan_Teh_Furby
'S all good, Berendol.  Let him dig himself an early grave.

What I think is funny is that I haven't actually played in...what, six months?  Seven?  It's been awhile...and yet I'm still feared.
