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Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Fri 01.06.2007, 00:18
by Fink
Damn, PW, you're just rocking along! Your variant is gonna be awesome :)

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Fri 01.06.2007, 21:57
by Berendol
Do you want a sub-forum for PWMAngband?

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Thu 07.06.2007, 17:08
by PowerWyrm
That would be cool... would be easier to post updates and discuss about how to set a server for the variant.

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Thu 07.06.2007, 17:11
by PowerWyrm
BTW I had a few mins tonight and I implemented archers on my variant...  :)

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Fri 08.06.2007, 00:01
by Berendol
Done! Enjoy your new forum, which you can moderate (sticky and close mostly), and your official status as a variant maintainer. I moved this topic from the development forum to your new one.

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Sun 10.06.2007, 13:33
by PowerWyrm
And another class implemented... monks!

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Sun 10.06.2007, 14:15
by Fink
I see you're back on a coding rampage - good man!

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Fri 22.06.2007, 13:22
by PowerWyrm
Last batch of updates...

- archers implemented
- fixed a bug that allowed non-cursed orcish shields with negative bpval
- monks implemented
- rocks implemented (new missiles for monks)
- telepaths implemented
- new command: display worn items of party members (')
- massive iron crown of Morgoth back to 20lbs (instead of 40lbs in vanilla 3.0.6)

These are the last features I plan to implement on the server side for my variant...

After some testing, I'm gonna work on the last 3 things I plan to implement on the client side:
- remove from PKT_VERIFY the useless customized monster and object redefinitions which overload the size of the packet and make it depend on max_object_size and max_monster_size
- add a tool slot to the equipment list (for shovels and picks)
- add a quiver slot to the equipment list (for missiles)
Once those are implemented, I plan to release a new client and start intensive testing...

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Sat 23.06.2007, 12:42
by Rali
So are you basically rewriting PernMAngband 3.x or what? And where do I get the client? :)

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Mon 25.06.2007, 14:01
by PowerWyrm
I re-coded some of the old features from PernMAngband 3.x... the ones that were cool + I added more stuff to make the game more interesting.
Today I modified the PKT_VERIFY stuff, so from now on the 0.7 client won't work on my server anymore. I will post here as soon as I have all the client related stuff done, so that I can release a client for my server.
On a side note, I removed the MAGE_HITPOINT_BONUS option and replaced it with new HP dices for the classes:
- warrior: 10
- mage: 1
- priest: 2
- rogue: 6
- ranger: 5
- paladin: 7
- sorceror: 0
- unbeliever: 9
- archer: 4
- monk: 8
- telepath: 3

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Mon 25.06.2007, 21:25
by Berendol
Have you seen the new preview release of Angband 3.0.8? Either one of the new menu and birth systems are worth the whole download. I'm wondering how feasible it would be to port those new systems to MAngband?

Here's the link to the changelog which contains the download link.

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Tue 26.06.2007, 17:22
by PowerWyrm
Interesting... would be a bit of work to port to Mang though.
On a side note, I've added the tool slot to the equipment list tonight. And a more explicit message when someone tries to connect with the basic client.

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Sat 30.06.2007, 11:56
by PowerWyrm
That's it... the quiver slot has been implemented too. And that means...
... see next post.

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Sun 15.07.2007, 14:12
by Fink
- upgraded artifacts from vanilla 3.0.6
- upgraded ego items from vanilla 3.0.6
- upgraded base items from vanilla 3.0.6
PW, how did this go? Did it entail anything out of the ordinary on your part, or did you have to add in any new stuff to support the new art/ego/base-items?

Re: New MAngband variant

Posted: Tue 17.07.2007, 22:25
by Billsey
Actually, wasn't that what Jug did? Though he didn't implement two of the new monster attacks, IIRC.