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Suggestion - new necromancer spell.

Posted: Mon 20.10.2008, 09:55
by serina
Hi PW.

I just thought it'd be fun if a necromancer had a way to preserve corpses for nasty fights like Morgoth. I dunno how the code works or anything, but I was thinking about a spell called "Icy Aura" or similar. Describtion:
"This spell surrounds the necromancer in an icy aura preserving all the corpses in his backpack."

Was just a fun idea I had :) (it could easily be swapped for confuse monster perhaps)


Re: Suggestion - new necromancer spell.

Posted: Mon 20.10.2008, 11:24
by PowerWyrm
Corpses slowly decay over time. The time it takes for a corpse to rot away directly depends on the weight of the corpse. I don't really see the point of preserving corpses since they are almost available at any time (just go kill some wyrms before morgy's fight and you have a lot of corpses that will take almost forever to decay... or simply use skeletons - they don't decay).
I will probably rework the necromancer class in the future, adding a spell to make monsters attack other monsters, but that's just too much code at the moment for a single class.