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Angband screen dumps

Posted: Wed 03.12.2008, 15:10
by PowerWyrm
Starting with 1.1.1 build 11, PWMAngband will allow players to generate screen dumps. There will be 3 modes available (all files generated in /lib/user):
- plain text: a raw txt file named dump.txt containing the char values followed by the attr values
- HTML: by default, a file named dump.html that can be viewed in any web browser (great to capture the spirit of a great fight, a special level...)
- embedded HTML (for forums... although I didn't manage to get anything from the content of the generated file in this forum)

Re: Angband screen dumps

Posted: Mon 15.12.2008, 18:59
by PowerWyrm
Build 11 is out... and the feature is working. HTML dumps are really nice.