PWMAngband 1.1.2 is out!

Issues, news, and discussion specific to the PWMangband variant.
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PWMAngband 1.1.2 is out!

Post by PowerWyrm » Thu 30.04.2009, 22:00

New PWMAngband 1.1.2 released!
(client and server binaries available at usual location)

Hell yeah... it has been a while since the last update. And this release is a major release! Check below for a complete list of all changes...
This release includes the last changes and bugfixes from MAngband 1.1.2, a few features from MAngband 1.2, as well as some more changes from vanilla Angband 3.0.x (mostly from 3.0.8).
The client has been renamed to Since it's a milestone version, I've also uploaded a zip file containing the server for PWMangband and a zip file with the source code. Feel free to try either my test server (non permanent and up only when I'm sitting in front of my computer) or your own server. Still waiting for a permanent server for this variant :)

- PvP arenas!
- Space-time bubbles/bullet time system!
- MvM system!
- light sources from vanilla Angband!
- resting system from vanilla Angband!
- simpler autosquelch system!

List of changes:
- bugfix & enhancement: added paranoia checks on player ID in netserver.c for all Send_xxx methods (found cases where the ID passed as parameter was negative or zero, leading to a server crash)
- bugfix & enhancement: the quantity prompt "Quantity (1-1):" has been removed when selling unique items (sale can always be aborted at the "Accept xxx gold?" prompt)
- bugfix: basic info, bonuses and spells were not updated when using the player command to change the "ghost" status of a character (DM commands)
- bugfix: the level command to unstatic a level was crashing the server (DM commands)
- bugfix: use_old_target option reimplemented (use same target when pressing *t instead of always re-targetting the closest monster/player)
- bugfix: all non ASCII keys (F1-F12, numpad, arrow keys, ins/sup/pgup/pgdn...) were not mapped properly with the SDL client
- bugfix & enhancement: calling the "inscribe" command with an empty inscription now calls the "uninscribe" command instead of putting an empty inscription on the item
- enhancement: added a "w" player command to change the "wizard" status of a character to prevent that character from being registered to the highscore list (DM commands)
- enhancement: quitters don't get a highscore list entry anymore
- enhancement: default file name when loading/saving a macro file is now set to "(nick).prf"
- bugfix: generating an item by number was not generating the right item (wrong item kind index)
- bugfix: the inscription on an item in the pack should be preserved when merging a squelchable item with a similar item in the pack
- bugfix: the variable "mode" was not initialized in Receive_item()
- bugfix: the player picture was not refreshed when a character was resurrected
- bugfix & enhancement: ghost deaths don't generate character dumps anymore
- bugfix: only 2 characters should be allowed in a PvP arena
- bugfix: the HPs of arena opponents should be redrawn when they leave the PvP arena after a fight
- bugfix: FEAT_PVP_ARENA should always be treated as permanent terrain (except when a player tries to enter/exit a PvP arena)
- bugfix & enhancement: players cannot access party commands while inside a PvP arena
- bugfix & enhancement: players must leave their current party before accessing PvP arenas
- bugfix & enhancement: players can't access PvP arenas if PvP is disabled
- bugfix & enhancement: the Tavern is now a safe place where PvP is always disabled
- bugfix & enhancement: items inscribed {for sale} are now treated as {for sale 1} (being "for sale" at minimum price allowed by the player shop corresponding to the item value) instead of {for sale 0} ("shown" without being "for sale")
- bugfix: the "len" parameter passed to askfor_aux() calls should be the size of the "buf" parameter, not its length
- bugfix: players in same party should never hurt each other
- enhancement: the chance to score critical hits with the "Touch of Death" spell has been slightly increased
- enhancement: the duration of the "Touch of Death" spell has been slightly increased
- enhancement: the mana cost of the "Shadow Touch" spell has been decreased
- enhancement: the mana cost of the "Absorb Soul" spell has been increased
- enhancement: Necromancers casting the "Touch of Death" spell are now displayed in purple
- bugfix: redraw was missing when the "invulnerable" flag was changed in master_player()
- enhancement: new light source (Lamp, radius 3, fuelable) with corresponding ego items (except "of Brightness")
- enhancement: dwarven lanterns and feanorian lamps have been removed (replaced by ego everburning lanterns/lamps)
- enhancement: artifact light sources provide light of radius 3 again
- bugfix: players leaving houses/other player shops shouldn't be teleported away
- enhancement: Necromancer spell "Control" changed to "Guard" (same effect: order a single undead monster to stand still)
- enhancement: Necromancer spell "Mass Control" changed to "Follow" (order a single undead monster to follow the character)
- enhancement: Necromancer spell "Domination" changed to "Attack" (order a single undead monster to attack other monsters)
- bugfix: missing calls to get_mon_num_prep() added in wild_furnish_dwelling() to restore the monster selection function
- bugfix & enhancement: useful spells now pass through monsters to be more helpful to party members
- enhancement: MvM system implemented! (monsters can melee other monsters/cast spells at other monsters)
- bugfix: monsters on a level enslaved by a Necromancer are now correctly freed from slavery when the Necromancer leaves the level
- bugfix & enhancement: players will now always miss non hostile players that aren't in the same party when shooting/throwing something at them

Alignments with MAngband 1.x:
- Energy Resolution Increase -> done
- Remove all energy hacks -> done
- Adjust Hallucinations -> done
- Ghosts are already dead but get "You die" when they get destroyed -> done
- Lake sacrifice crash -> fixed
- When we load and save huge the actual values aren't -> fixed
- MD5 warning -> fixed
- Random code cleanup -> done
- Spell selection check (client) -> fixed
- Screen loses "icky" status while shopping -> fixed

Alignments with Angband 3.x:
- Option settings updated again (Angband 3.0.8): run_ignore_doors option removed, now always assuming open/broken doors should be noticed; run_use_corners and run_cut_corners options removed, now always examining corners (as if run_use_corners was true and run_cut_corners was false); stack_force_notes option removed, now always merging inscriptions when stacking
- Remove hardcoded values for p_ptr->noscore (Angband 3.0.8): just use 0 (legitimate character) and 1 (wizard, quitter or cheater)
- Remove some defines from defines.h and put them in h-basic (Angband 3.0.8): MAX_UCHAR and MAX_SHORT
- Removed core function, NEVER try to crash a computer with a real OS! (Angband 3.0.8)
- Make squelch simpler and cleaner (Angband 3.0.8): stop squelching items in the pack without choice; mark items as {squelch} instead of actually being squelched (Ey-style); 'k!' squelches items marked {squelch}; add "Always pickup items matching those in inventory" option (allows to autopickup items similar to items in the pack); squelch code moved to new squelch.c file
- Never pick up objects while running (Angband 3.0.9)
- query_floor option removed (Angband 3.0.9): no more prompt before picking up things automatically
- Prompt for resting duration (Angband 3.0.x): 1-9999 to rest a fixed number of turns, '*' to rest until HP/SP are back to max, '&' for complete resting (max HP/SP + bad effects are all gone); removed the restriction on resting while poisoned or at max HP/SP
- New memory management routines in z-virt.h/z-virt.c (Angband 3.0.9): all code depending on these files has been updated
- Change lantern/torch behaviour and features (Angband 3.0.8): maximum amount of fuel in a torch increased to 6000 turns; new ego torches/lanterns of Shadows (STEALTH | RES_LITE); new ego torches/lanterns of True Sight (RES_BLIND | SEE_INVIS); "(with xxxx turns of light)" -> "(xxxx turns)"; the General Store no longer sells lanterns, and no longer buys back food or non-ego/artifact lights; torches now have a light radius of 2 when fully fueled, and a radius of 1 when running low on fuel (less than 1500 turns of light remaining)

Features/problems partially implemented/fixed:
- Spacetime Bubbles and Bullet Time: MAngband 1.2
- PvP Arena: MAngband 1.2
- Reimplement Monster Recall: MAngband 1.2
- Chat channels: MAngband 1.2
- DM Menu Enhancements: MAngband 1.2
- Global Settings (client): MAngband 1.2

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