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Fountains in the wilderness - PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue 27.10.2009, 20:39
by PowerWyrm
In PWMAngband 1.1.2 build 14, fountains have been added as a new feature... and a new terrain feature. The problem is that I had to renumber the terrain features to add them. I thought it wouldn't matter... but recently I connected to Later's server and found... fountains in the wilderness! This wasn't supposed to happen, as fountains are only generated in the dungeon. So it's basically an old feature in the wilderness that was changed into fountains... It's strange, because this doesn't happen on my server, so I guess it happens on wilderness levels with players on them (static levels).
So if you see a fountain in the wilderness:
- DON'T DRINK FROM IT!!! this will crash the server, drinking takes depth as parameter and won't work in the wilderness
- leave the level and come back... if you were the only player on that level, it should be regenerated and the fountains should be gone

Re: Fountains in the wilderness - PLEASE READ

Posted: Mon 02.11.2009, 18:18
by Billsey
You might want to go ahead and implement wilderness fountains, just use the vector length from town as the depth.