Which client am I running?

On Windows, the "normal" client is the Windows client, and the "Multi-window" one is the SDL client.

On MacOS, if you're using the official builds, you're on SDL client.

On UNIX, you're hopefully on SDL (depending on the binary packages used, or the ./configure flags provided), otherwise, if you have windows, you're using ancient X11 port, if you're on terminal, it's the GCU port (ncurses).

Where is my config file?

On Windows, it should be in the game directory, next to mangclient.exe and it's called mangclient.INI.

On UNIX, it's ~/.mangrc.

Windows client

Currently, all supported configuration features are properly represented in the game interface. You can change fonts, select tilesets, and toggle sound from the main menu.


Configuring terminal positions / fonts

Note: for those commands to work, you might need to toggle the mouse mode, by using the ! command. Login into the game, exit all prompts, and press '!'.

  • You should be able to drag your terminals around with the left mouse button.
  • Right mouse button closes a terminal.
  • Ctrl+Drag resizes the terminal, and Shfit+Drag rescales.
  • Hold a terminal down with left mouse button and press Tab, to cycle through fonts.
  • The fonts being cycled are being defined in [SDL-Fonts] INI section.

Enable/disable fullscreen


Select appropriate screen resolution and set Fullscreen to 1.

Enable/disable sound


(1 to enable, 0 to disable)

Enable graphics / toggle tileset

The only way to enable graphics and to select a tileset in the SDL client, is to edit the mangclient.INI (~/.mangrc on UNIX) and set:


(or Graphics=2, or Graphics=3).

1=Standard 2=Adam Bolt 3=David Gervais

Combine arrow keys into diagonals

There's a useful feature in the SDL client, which allows you to combine two regular arrow key presses into one diagonal key press if you push them fast enough. For machines lacking a numpad or convient access to pageup/pagedown/home/end keys.

To enable, edit your mangclient.INI (~/.mangrc on UNIX) and set:


The delay is in milliseconds.


Enable graphics / toggle tileset

The only way to enable graphics and to select a tileset in the X11 client, is to edit the mangclient.INI (~/.mangrc on UNIX) and set:


(or Graphics=2, or Graphics=3).

1=Standard 2=Adam Bolt 3=David Gervais

Advanced keymapping and macroing

Difference between keymaps and macros

There are 3 (yikes!) forms of key bindings in MAngband: keymaps, command macros and normal macros.

Keymaps only fire off when the game is expecting a command to be entered. Keymaps don't work in text/quantity/item/spell/etc prompts or in looking/targeting mode. Keymaps don't (yet?) support complex triggers, like \[control-shift-F1], they are limited to simple triggers, like f, F and ^F (base key, shift + key, ctrl + key). Keymaps are mostly used to support original and roguelike keysets and as an easy way to switch between them.

Command macros also only fire off when the game is expecting a command to be entered. Command macros don't work in text/quantity/item/spell/etc prompts or in looking/targeting mode. Macros do support complex triggers, like \[alt-F2].

Normal macros fire off at all circumstances, both when the game is expecting a command and inside text/quantity/item/spell/looking/targeting/etc prompts. Macros do support complex triggers, like \[alt-F2].

Writing macro files by hand

Find and edit your user-xxx.prf file in the lib/user dir. You can use one of those 3 forms:

# Execute command sequence 'm1b' when 'H' is pressed (normal keymap)
# Keymaps only fire off when a game is expecting a command.

# Execute command sequence 'm1b' when 'H' is pressed (roguelike keymap)
# Keymaps only fire off when a game is expecting a command.

# Execte keypresses 'm1b' when 'H' is pressed (normal macro)
# Note: such macro will render the key 'H' unusable for, say, typing 'Hello'
# Normal macros execute in all contexts, at prompts, menus, etc.

As normal macros work in menus and text/item/etc prompts, it can be benefical to prepend them with \e (or a number of \es), so that all prompts or silly states are cleared out. Such macros will execute no matter what.

# Execute keypresses 'ESC, ESC, ESC, ESC, r, 1' when F1 is pressed.
# The four escapes should exit all and any pending prompts!

Keymap to swap commands around

Keymaps can be used to swap commands without one overwriting the other (that's impossible with macros). For example

# 'e' is now 'i'

# 'i' is now 'e'

Keymap to clear queue on every command

# walk south

# read scroll

Keymap to disable Enter Menu

The patchnotes in Angband 3.0.8 suggest that people, who dislike the "new" enter menu, should define a keymap to make enter behave like a spacebar. But how?

# Turn Enter into Spacebar

Macro to toggle any option



Macro to load specific pref file

Using the interact with macros (%), load user file (1) menu:


Using the run pref command ("), include file (%) hack:


Squelch-like behaviors

MAngclient doesn't support proper squelch right now, but you can approximate it with a few related functions. The idea of this recipe is that we first auto-inscribe some items with =k, then execute k command (destroy items) and feed it "{=k}", so it destroys items inscribed with =k.

  1. Prepare your auto-inscription file (inscribe.prf) to inscribe "bad" items with =k, for example {:Onyx Ring:=k.
  2. Create a macro to execute your auto-inscription file, for example \e%1inscribe.prf\r\e, binded to F9.
  3. Create a macro to execute your squelching, for example \ek"{=k}"y\ry\e, binded to F10.

Now, each time you press F9, your bad items will get auto-inscribed. Each time you press F10, a stack of items will get destroyed.

The weird y\ry\e ending suggested here is used to ensure we plow through all the confirmation and quantity prompts, but you might want a different ending, depeneding on your inventory/user-interface options.